Travelling can be safe and enjoyable if you take time to plan ahead. You should make an appointment and discuss your travel plans with our doctors. At your appointment, we will provide you information about appropriate vaccinations, preventive medications, and counselling to reduce your risk of illness. We will also provide general information for your travel, which includes preventive medications and resources in case of emergency. Travel consultation also assists in workplace wellness, preventive, and executive healthcare programs to reduce healthcare costs.
You may schedule an appointment with one of our staff in advance, before your travel. The travel consult can be delivered over the telephone, if you have already discussed your travel plan with your health care provider. Insurance coverage varies widely and we recommend that you clarify this with your insurance provider.
We provide a comprehensive travel medical consultation to educate patients regarding the health risks and precautionary care to be taken at their travel destination. Make us a part of your pre-trip planning to ensure a safe and pleasurable travel experience.
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